Tuesday, July 22, 2014

SRADHA-The Geriatric Care Programme at Praggaloy:

Fr. Anthony to the the participants
On 20th July, The Praggaloy, The Pastoral & Development Centre, Barasat and its partners the Bethani Cottage, Barasat and The DC Sisters, St. Vincent’s Home Barasat invited senior citizens of Barasat and Madhyamgram Municipalities and its surrounding Gram Panchayats for the inauguration of its SRADHA Project-the Geriatric care Pragrame under the sustainable social development programme, APARAJITA.
Praggaloy's views to the elders
Geriatric care management (also known as "elder care management", "senior health care management" and "professional care management") is the process of planning and coordinating care of the elderly and others with physical and/or mental impairments to meet their long term care needs, improve their quality of life, and maintain their independence for as long as possible. It entails working with persons of old age and their families in managing, rendering and referring various types of health and social care services. Geriatric care managers accomplish this by combining a working knowledge of health and psychology, human development, family dynamics, public and private resources and funding sources, while advocating for their clients throughout the continuum of care. For example, they may assist families of older adults and others with chronic needs such as those suffering from Alzheimer's disease or other dementia.
As per the 1991 census, the population of the elderly in India was 57 million as compared with 20 million in 1951. There has been a sharp increase in the number of elderly persons between 1991 and 2001 and it has been projected that by the year 2050, the number of elderly people would rise to about 324 million. India has thus acquired the label of “an ageing nation” with 7.7% of its population being more than 60 years old. 
Participatory Survey
Nearly, 40 senior citizens participated in that programme. Nilangshu Gain, coordinator, Swanirvar explained the need and vision-mission of this project to the participants and after that Fr. Anthony Rodrick , Director, Praggaloy gave the welcoming speech and expressed Praggaloy’s view to the elders
Case story
of our society. He also gave thanks to the sisters for being a part of this noble mission. After that, Sri Sukumar Chattopadhay, one of the participants expressed the views of their present life and their feelings to the audience. One of sr. Staff of Swanirvar, Golapi Begum gave a short talk on her experiences to deal with the Geriatrics in two vulnerable villages of Deganga Block, under North 24 Parganas.  
Then our volunteers, Susmita, Sritama, Golapi, Manali and the sisters of Bethani Cottage, Barasat and The DC Sisters, St. Vincent’s Home, Barasat sit with the participants in small groups and did participatory survey on their present problems, wrote the case histories of their sufferings and also noted their demands from us.
After the survey and focus group discussions, the sisters measured the Blood pressure and Glucose (random) and took note for consultation with our panelled physicians.
BP measureing

Blood Sugar Testing

The programme was concluded with a happy lunch. The next programme will be on 17th August, 2014.

In 2014-15 our focuses were as follows:
·         Medical care for the senior citizens and periodic pathological tests.
·         Meeting with them – once / twice in a month
·         Physiotherapy and Yoga
·         Games and amusements, creative activities like- songs, recitations, storytelling, audio-visuals, meditations.
·         Special care for them suffering from Alzheimer's disease or other dementia
·         Picnic and outings
·         Publication of a magazine written by the elders.
·         Short stay home and medical care in emergency.

Reported by,

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Summer Youth Camp in Praggaloy: 26-28th May, 2014

Youth group with Rehana and her son, Tanveer 
 Praggaloy, Pastoral and Development centre took initiatives to motivate youth ministry in collaboration with a famous NGO, SWANIRVAR and also with its honorable team of volunteers. The objectives of these camps were the followings:
1   1.To bring the leadership qualities amongst the youth.
     2.Be  sensible citizen- respect and conserve the natural resources and its proper managements
     3.Community managed disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptations.
     4.Hand held science experiments
     5.Creative writings and paintings.
    6. To understand the essence of life and realized the SPICE (social-physical-intellectual-creative and emotional) aspects to life.
     7.Reuse of waste and green energy and ecological farming
    8. Expressing their views and emotions and creativity through action based activities like- recitation, songs, dance, drama etc
   9. help youth to  understand each other’s needs and to build meaningful family relationships. Possibilities include seminars, youth/parent retreats, exposure trips, communications skits, Freeze frame skit with questions and seeking of suggestions, youth created dialogues, party with youth handcuffed to parents, Youth talent show.
On 26th May, 14 thirty six youth (34 Girls and 2 boys) from Barasat area (mostly the inmates of Providence Home) participated in three days camp in Praggaloy.

Camp was started with a group song and after that the youth were divided into 5 groups. They were given ideas to make pictures of different animals with different type of leaves. The students were so happy and they roamed in the Praggaloy campus to collect leaves. Then they were given trainings to make different creatures with the leaves without making any outline by pencil and pen.  Those sessions become very innovative and most of the students made beautiful creatures. Later, their art works were displayed for the visitors. The session were conducted by – Sri Tarun Ghosh and Sushila Halder, Sr staff of Swanirvar and were assisted by Rehana Sultana, a high school language teacher who gave her inputs to the youths as volunteers.
After the lunch there were two slide shows on – ‘Safe drinking Water’ and ‘Global Warming’ and later the youth were given time to find out the solutions to minimize the effects. Each group presented their ideas. After that there was interactive Q/A session.
learning the different leaves and its colours

making creature from leaves


Started with the reacp of the day1. After that Rehana gave orientation on creative writings – two groups were given tasks to write short stories and three were given to make creative pictures from the stories.
After the lunch, two more volunteers, Rahit Nath and Purba Samadder joined with them for drama rehearsal and they were assisted by two Swanirvar staff, Biswanath Roy and Ramprasad

Started with the reacp of the day2. Rehearsal was ended at 4pm in the evening and the youth took their makeup. They were preparing for their first drama show in their life. The guests arrived at 6 and the drama started – they performed a famous Bengali story- ‘Bhusandir mathe’. The event was splendid and the guests expressed their blessings and congratulated them.

The entire programme was supervised by, Fr. Anthony and he was supported by Jerman E. Nandi and other Praggaloy staff.


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Sustainable Agriculture Workshop: Making Vegetable and Flowers Garden in Home

             One of our main objectives in project ‘APARAJITA’ is to spread the urban agriculture by various means. In 2013, Praggaloy made an organic vegetable garden under the technical guidance of Swanirvar (a nonprofit organization- www.swanirvarbengal.org). There were all kinds of vegetables, vermicompost pit, bio-pest controllers etc. From, April, 14 we were organizing different training and workshops on ‘Urban Agriculture’ for the city people on regular basis.
            Urban agriculture is very popular in many cities across the globe but in Kolkata people are not keen to make gardens in their apartments. Swanirvar and World Vision India promoted urban agriculture with the slum dwellers in Kolkata Port Area. The initiative got huge success and was very popular. Inspired by that, Praggaloy and Swanirvar are now trying to popularize home nutrition gardens in North 24 Parganas district.
            People from different sectors are now taking trainings on Urban Agriculture in Praggaloy. Proggaloy has become a resource centre in the eye of local people. We are not only providing the trainings but also providing manures and utensils for gardening.

সুস্থায়ী চাষের কর্মশালাঃ নিজের বাগান নিজের হাতে: 
(In collaboration with Swanirvar-www.swanirvarbengal.org)
(Make a small vegetable/ flower garden in home- Aparajita – A Praggaloy initiative)
৮ই এপ্রিল , ২০১৪ থেকে প্রজ্ঞালয়ে হাতে কলমে বাড়িতে বাগান বানানোর প্রশিক্ষণ দেওয়া হচ্ছে। পৃথিবীর নানা শহরে URBAN AGRICULTURE আজ খুবই জনপ্রিয়, ভারতে ব্যাঙ্গালর শহরে ও এটি অতি জনপ্রিয়। কিন্তু তিলোত্তমা কোলকাতায় আজ ও শহরেরে বাগান বানানোর প্রচেষ্টা বেশি দেখা যায় না- বাড়িতে বাগান বানানোর উপকারগুলি হলঃ 
১। কিছুটা বিষ মুক্ত সব্জি পাওয়া
২। অসাধারণ সময় কাটান ও স্ট্রেস কমানো 
৩। প্রকৃতির সাথে একাত্ম বোধ করা 
৪। নিজেকে উৎপাদনশীল করে তোলা , ইত্যাদি
নানা পেশার ব্যক্তিরা এই প্রশিক্ষণ নিচ্ছেন , আপনি ও আসুন আমরা শেখাব হাতে ধরে এখানেই পাবেন সব উপকরণ সস্তা দরে নিজে ও পরিবারের সকলে মিলে –“একটু সবুজ থাকুক আপনার ঘরে ।।
** পরবর্তি কর্মশালাতে আপনাকে স্বাগত জানাই **
Pictures: Taken on workshop dated 22th May, 2014

Discussion on Bio-composting

Bio-composting Technology

Hand held training on Vermicompost

Training on making vermicompost pit

 Reported by,

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Summer Youth Camp -18th May, 2014

18th May, 2014:
          SUMMER YOUTH CAMP- 20 students from Chatra Village( Baduria Block) participated in one day youth camp at Praggaloy, Barasat. One non-profit organization, SAPTAK sponsored the event. Sri Rajat Kumar Mallick, Sr trainer of Swanirvar conducted the crafts training and other handheld activities, he were assisted by Julkalam Ali, Zabbar Ali and Jarman Emmanual Nandi
The parish priest, Fr. Anthony gave the opening speech. There were sessions on role play, creative drawing, art-switch, origami, action songs, interactive games etc. They had delicious lunch and the children enjoyed very much.
At the end there was session on 'Climate Change and Global Worming' - conducted by Nilangshu Gain. Before departing the place, the children asked Fr. Anthony to take them to the organic garden and inside the Church. Fr. gladly accepted them and taken them to the organic garden and also took them in the Church. 
Opening speech by Fr. Anthony

Creative drawing

Action Songs
Reported By,
J. E. Nandi
Praggaloy, Barasat

Friday, May 16, 2014

সামার ইউথ ক্যাম্পঃ কিশোর কিশোরী বাহিনী দের জন্যঃ

প্রজ্ঞালয় এর 'আপরাজিতা' -প্রকল্পের উদ্যোগেঃ- Next Camp on 18th May, 2014

সামার ইউথ ক্যাম্পঃ কিশোর কিশোরী বাহিনী 

প্রজ্ঞালয় ও স্বনির্ভর (একটি প্রখ্যাত স্বেচ্ছাসেবী সংস্থা-www.swanirvarbengal.org
) – ৫ম থেকে ১২শ শ্রেণীর ছাত্র – ছাত্রী দের নিয়ে নানা দলে প্রতি রবিবার ১ দিনের কর্মশালার আয়োজন করেছে ।
এতে ছাত্র – ছাত্রী দের হাতেকলমে নানা মজার কাজ ও বিজ্ঞানের নানা পরীক্ষা করানোর পাশাপাশি, 
* রোল প্লে ও গেমস (নিজেকে জানা ও অন্যকে জানা ),
* আর্ট ও ক্র্যাফট এর কর্মশালা ও হাতে কলমে প্রশিক্ষণ ।
* প্লাস্টিক এর পুনঃ ব্যবহার, বাতিল ও ফেলে দেওয়া ব্যবহৃত বাতিল জিনিস থেকে ব্যবহার যোগ্য জিনিস নির্মাণ ।
* কাগজ ও রং এর সাহায্যে নানা ধরনের সৃজনশীল কাজ ।
* তথ্য সংগ্রহ ও তার নানা পদ্ধতি । তথ্য কে চার্ট ও পোস্টারের সাহায্যে তুলে ধরা।
* স্থানীয় এলাকার ম্যাপ নির্মাণ কৌশল ইত্যাদি শেখান হচ্ছে
* বিশ্ব- উষ্ণায়ন, জলবায়ু পরিবর্তন, নানা মানবিক কর্মকাণ্ড ও জীব বৈচিত্র নিয়ে নানা চিত্র প্রদর্শনীর আয়োজন করা হয়েছে।

বারাসাত ও মধ্যমগ্রাম শহরে যে সব সংস্থা বা ব্যক্তি এই ধরনের কর্মকান্ডের সাথে যুক্ত বা অংশ নিতে চান বা তাদের কোন বিশেষ দক্ষতা শেয়ার করতে চান তাদের কে জানাই সাদর অভিনন্দন।
(পরিবেশ নিয়ে কোন ছবি, ভিডিও, স্লাইড, পশু প্রেম , আপনার কর্ম জীবনের কোন আভিজ্ঞতা –যুদ্ধ , মানবিক কোন ঘটনা, স্থানীয় এলাকার ইতিহাস ইত্যাদি আপনি / আপনারা জানাতে পারেন এই সব কিশোর কিশোরীদের)

বারাসাত, রথতলা (ভাসান আই হাসপাতালের বিপরীতে -বারাসাতের একমাত্র চার্চ )
টেলিফোনঃ 9434806786 (11am -6pm)
ই-মেলঃ livendignity@gmail.com

Proggaloy paid tributes to Rabindranath Tagore on his 154th Birth Anniversary :

        On 9th May, 2014, (25th Boishak) Proggaloy organized a cultural fest to pay homage to the legend, Rabindra Nath Tagore on his 154th Birth Anniversary.  65 participants including children from the Mother Teresa Academy,  girls from the Providenc’s home and some friends and youths of Praggaloy participated in that programme.

It was begun with a Corus song by the providence Home Girls, “Aguner Porosmoni”. After the welcome song, the parish priest, Fr. Anthony put garland on the portrait of the legend and recited a poem from ‘Gitanjali’.  The children of Mother Teresa academy performed action rhymes. Fr. Moses shared his joyful memories of Rabindra jayanti celebration in his college days  and sang a beautiful Rabindra Sangeet -“Klanti Amar  Khoma Koro Probhu”.  Corus was performed by the parishioners of Barasat Church.  Entire program was facilitated by Mrs. Namita D’costa Parishioner of Barasat Parish. The Rabindrajayanti Celebration was ended with a fellowship Meal.

Reported By,
Tel: 033-25523338

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Proggaloy Celebrates Foundation day and “পয়লা বৈশাখ ১৪২১”

        On 15th April, 2014, Proggaloy celebrated its foundation day. It was also the 1st day of Bengali New Year. The day’s program started with a short introductory speech by Mr. Prakash Roy, parishioners. The programme was Inaugurated by the lighting of the lamp ceremony. The day’s cultural programme commenced with “আগুনের পরশমনি ছোঁয়াও প্রানে” by the participants. 
        Children of Mother Teresa academy performed action poems and group dance. Fr. Anthony Rodrick, director of Proggaloy, gave speech and beautifully explained the historical and cultural aspects and significance of Bengali New Year. He  explained the role of  Proggaloy on its foundation day. Fr. Mozes Rozario and Fr. Sunil kujur were present in this program form Barasat Minor seminary. Fr. Mozes Rozario was the eldest  priest who made the program more joyful thorough his presence and speech.Fr. Mozes in his speech, thanked all people who welcomes him and gave his warm regards of Bengali New Year to  the audience. 
         97 participants from different corners of North 24 Parganas participated in that programme. The days cultural Program ended with a vote of thanks by fr. Anthony Rodrick. special thanks had been given to Fr. Rajesh Kujur, OMI and Br. Jagat Pal Minj, CMF for organizing this programme successfully. All the Children and Guests enjoyed  the fellowship lunch at the end of the programme.

Reported By:
J.E. Nandi
Praggaloy, Barasat